Cigar In Mouth Old Guy Meme Dating Site

6/5/2022by admin
Cigar In Mouth Old Guy Meme Dating Site 3,5/5 9852 votes

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The old lady meme epitomizes the elderly women in your life – with a particular emphasis on the funniest sides to them! Whether it’s your grandma, your own mom, or other old ladies you know, the old lady memes draw on the stereotypes to create wondrous memes you can’t help but laugh about.

Now they are a key part of so many hilarious memes out across social media, being shared to thousands of people and commented on by hundreds or more. Honestly, we’re not surprised. Something’s just inherently funny about the mischief that old grannies can get up to!

Popular Memes about Old Lady

One of our favorite old lady memes is the one with the elderly woman peering through her spectacles at a laptop in front of her. This meme is simply begging for hilarious commentary about tech, social media and everything computer-related! In fact, they’re spot on with their accuracy every single time as well.

As long as you remain conscious not to be offensive to elderly women, the old woman memes are a guaranteed winner among meme lords and ladies alike. They’re great for sharing and even greater to laugh about with family and friends! You can also read funny family memes and relate them.


1. It’s Ok Computer…I Go to Sleep After 20 Minutes of Inactivity Too.

2. Oh Dear, I Just Cut That Poor Fellow Off Better Slow Down So He Doesn’t Think I’m A Maniac!

3. Me…Trying to Figure Out Snapchat.

4. Gmail? No, I Need Email.

5. Quit Clutching Your Pearls And Start Writing Some Conflict.

6. In Me Dead Mum’s Car. Broom Broom.

7. Speed Limit 70? 30 Sounds Fine.

8. Back In My Day Cream Pie Was A Recipe.

9. Coolest Old Chick Ever… Besides You, Of Course! Happy Birthday!

10. They See Me, Rollin. They Hatin.

11. If You Make Me Late for Bingo, I’ll Make You Late Permanently!

12. Smoking? Bad for Your Health? Nonsense! I’ve Been Smoking for 42 Years, And It Hasn’t Done A Thing to Me.

13. Happy Birthday! I Didn’t Know What to Get You, So Here’s $100.

14. 5’2” 100lbs Will Hit You Harder Than A Grown Man On Steroids.

Old Guy Movie

15. Facebook? This Isn’t A Book at All.

16. You Broke Your Arm? In My Day We Didn’t Whine About Our Problems.

17. Still Loading? I Was 19 When I Clicked This Link.

18. Walking Slow When She’s in Front Of You. Speed of A Light When She Sees Free Seat in A Bus.


19. We Will Always Be Friends Till We Are Old And Senile… Then We Can Be New Friends.

20. I Can’t Wait to Call The Bank to See If My Check That’s Always There Has Been Deposited.

21. Life’s Too Life’s Too Short-Long to Worry to Wait?

22. Weird Old Lady Marmalade.

23. Well, Damn… This Gym Membership Is Cheaper Than The Strip Club. Work It Big Daddy!

24. Bingo Tonight! It’s Gonna Cray Cray Up in Here!!

25. Me… Trying to Figure Out Snapchat.

26. Real Estate Contracts Back in My Day We Needed 4 Paper Copies of Contracts, Not This Electronic Signing Poppycock.

27. Graduates from Elementary School Retires.

28. Happy Birthday And Cheers, Old Lady! But, Seriously, I Was Gonna Drink Anyway.

29. Has Driver License Since World War I. Doesn’t Realise There Are Other People on The Road

30. Who Says Teaching Is Stressful? I’m 39 And I Feel Great!

31. Tracking My Cookies? They Will Never Get My Recipe!

32. Gets Splashed With Dishwater. “I Haven’t Got This Wet in 30 Years.”

33. You Should Totally Date Old Ladies. Cause If Yoy Threw A Party, You Would See The Biggest Gift Would Be from Me.

34. You Will Come to A Party. Don’t You?

35. Got A Birthday Card from The Funeral Home… I’m Not Impressed. They Only Want Me for My Body.

36. Your Face When They Tell You The Correct Number of Candles on Their Birthday Cake.

37. I Noticed That You’re Gangster. I’m Pretty Gangster Myself.

38. Merry Christmas: School Mascot Socks.

39. Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But Life Alert Can Save Me.

40. Guns Don’t Kill People. Old Age Does.

Don’t be afraid to try sharing an old lady meme or two with your grandma (or mom!) to see their reaction. They might not get it at first, but once it clicks you’ll both be in stitches over it. Share one today and drop a comment down below telling us how the experience went!

Being married can be a wonderful thing, but when you spend copious amounts of time with a single human being, you're bound to run into a few road blocks. Whether it's how low (or how high) to keep the thermometer in the house or the endless debate about what to have for dinner, most people who've been married for any period of time have come to embrace the humorous side of their union.

The internet is full of funny marriage memes and tweets that perfectly sum up what it's like to be married to the same person for years on end. The funniest of those memes tend to focus on those goofy everyday occurrences that rankle our partners subtly over time, but there are also lots of memes that focus on the sweet, funny parts of being married. Take a look at some of the best of the bunch.

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Phil Dunphy Gets It

The 'Modern Family' dad (played by Ty Burrell) is always making these sorts of sneakily-keen observations, and we laugh every time.

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Just Picking up the Necessities

'Wife: Just stick to the grocery list

Me: I am

Wife: Nothing but what's on the list

Me: [crossing fingers] I promise'

-- Twitter

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Be Kind... Mostly.

Sometimes love means hitting your partner over the head with a pillow... and sometimes, love means not just wanting to be hit with the pillow, but needing it.

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Six Flags Old Guy

Sexy Talk Isn't What it Used to be.

It seems that doing laundry is an ongoing issue in many married households. All we can say is just wait until you have kids and need to keep up with all of their dirty socks, too!

It's never-ending!

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She's Just Being Helpful

Just keep quiet and nobody gets hurt, buddy. That's the first rule of married life.

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Will Ferrell Said it Best

While a slow internet connection works best, there are lots of other annoying life experiences that would also show someone's true character. See also: getting stuck in traffic and standing in line behind a person with 10,000 expired coupons at the grocery store.

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It's Funny 'cuz it's True

This isn't even a joke; it's just true facts.

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It's not Lost Unless Mom Can't Find it.

'I knew I saw it somewhere!'

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I Can Feel the Love

'You already ate yours! Go away'

This one's for any person who's ever been looking forward to enjoying some delicious leftovers... only to discover that your spouse got there first.

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Parenting: You're Doing it Right

What's the point of even having children if you can't embarrass them every so often? These parents are crushing it!

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What a Sweet Thing to Say

Our only question is, what is the purpose of a van with '2 Hr Poo' license plates? We're legitimately asking.

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I Don't Think That's What 'Compromise' Means

Cute doggie, though!

Also, if losing an argument means getting an adorable pupper, I'd say you BOTH won.

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Interesting Choice of Decor

I think he nailed it!

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Cigar In Mouth Old Guy Meme Dating Site Images

Very Important Reminder

Here's another perfect example of not just married life, but adulthood as a whole. If the only thing on your calendar is 'ham expires,' it might be time to get out more. Maybe join a book club or something?

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Seems Logical

This was probably his wife's goal the entire time, to be honest. If there's a better way to hide from the kids than becoming part of your mattress, we haven't found it.

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This is No Job for 2-Ply

When one little square just won't do it.

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'Love' Notes

Personal favorite: 'After today, only one more day of casserole!'

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Well, Now You Know

You're welcome!

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Poetry in Motion

When accepting compliments, crunching loudly on a bag of chips is the only way to go.

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Facebook is Not Real Life

Never take a Facebook post at face value, folks.

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Good Catch

I'm not great at math either, but this seems like a miscalculation.

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He's Very Literal

Some might say too literal.

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True Intimacy

Why do we all think our significant other wants to hear about our bodily functions?

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This Checks Out

Cigar In Mouth Old Guy Meme Dating Site

9 times out of 10, we do need something at the store.

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And Finally, Some Darn Good Advice

Now that's a good feeling!

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